Medisafe Commitment

Medisafe omitted to providing excellent support to its customers, with the focus of all activities of the ultimate customer satisfaction. Very important success factor is also the contribution of our employees, carefully selected for their professional responsibility, having as a priority the full understanding of the work of our customers and dedication to help and give appropriate solutions.
The purpose of the company is to provide national market with the highest quality dental products and satisfy needs even most demanding clients. We continuously improve the structure of the company and our service to meet the expectations of the market. The company is always open to new technologies and methods that appear in such a rapidly evolving industry as dentistry. All these actions are always with the consciousness towards the environment and society. Integrity, honesty, reliability and fairness are the moral values underlying the operation of Medisafe.
Our clients are public hospitals, private dental offices, and dental clinics.
The company obtains the products both from domestic and foreign factories. Also cooperates with sale agents of foreign companies in our country. Keeps treatment and storage processes of the goods, which are being forwarded to its customers by the courier companies or delivered through the established sales network.